November 12, 2009

What Games Require

You know somethings going wrong when the RakNet examples for chat networking can't connect to each other over a LAN :\

//- Figure out weird-ass networking problem
- Get Remote procedure calls to work
- Build cPlayer struct for player info passing
- Use RPC to implement chat
- Go back and build a packet filtering system
- Define 4 levels of physics information
- Finish writing box2D networking interpolation hack
- process packets and implement interpolation on a simple level
- Network physics
- throw bricks
- Implement destructables
- Implement a physics callback system
- Use this to implement impact damage based on relative physics formulas
- Sync destructables using RPC calls
- Put in health bars, network names, and other information
- Sync all this, including rudimentary score information as held by the server
- Build a functional basic shape editor
- Implement protocol buffers
- allow testbed activation on editor using in-game logic
- Build weapon system core
- Implement inventory
- Implement basic grappling gun
- Give GUI basic functionality (Weapon ammo tracking + health, etc.)
- Build options window and ensure most graphics options are functional
- Sync spawned weapon objects
- Build property-based weapon creation system
- Build weapons editor
- Design and implement weapon-centric distribution system
- Design weapon deadliness algorithm
- Implement weapon hashing and self-correcting danger network handling
- Implement anti-cheating weapon designs (weapon combination blacklist too)
- Differentiate between weapon restricted servers and open weapon servers
- Add LUA scripting core
- Integrate into weapons
- Extend weapons editor
- Implement complex object handling system
- Extend physics syncronization to handle complex objects
- Implement 2D nearest neighbor algorithm
- Test interpolation for complex object special cases
- Design complex object animation and syncronization schemes
- Extend weapons to allow for complex objects
- Extend editor to account for complex objects in generic cases
- Extend editor to handle basic animations for complex objects in generic cases
- Implement FX system
- Extend animation editor to handle animations for FX special cases
- Build specialized physics model for client-side FX.
- Integrate FX system into weapon subsystems and physics response system on a generic basis
- Make explosions
- Design hovering situation special-case for physics response system
- Apply this to giant hovering bases
- Ensure large physics object special-case in physics response system is stable
- Adapt 2D nearest neighbor algorithm for 2D lights
- Ensure lights act appropriately in indoor environments
- Implement powerups (including special-case physics response)
- Extend inventory to handle items on an abstract interactive basis
- Extend GUI into final mockup
- Implement unique kill registers for physics callbacks as dependent on weapon type/class/ID, as well as for specific event IDs
- Implement adaptive animation overloading system for complex avatars
- Ensure proper death animation as well as weapon swapping
- Abstract out the entire avatar into a class-system that must adapt for different body shapes.
- Implement class-specific statistics
- Create generic statistic trackers
- Build an interaction response system
- Combine interaction system with complex objects to create a generic vehicle class
- Convert base into a vehicle
- Build vehicles
- Implement vehicle spawn system and vehicle generic handling
- Build adaptive GUI system
- Create specialized vehicle GUI modifications
- Implement Map handling system
- Build map object spawn factory
- Network dynamic map changes
- Integrate LUA core into map scripting
- Compile list of basic map triggers
- Migrate objects over to map object handling
- Allow for multiple situational physics layers on base
- Get that stupid elevator to work
- Implement aircraft as a vehicle subset (this requires a physics response special case)
- Create Resource System
- Modify all spawned upgrades, powerups, vehicles and weapons to have generated resource costs.
- Implement drops
- Implement team resource counter as well as individual resource sharing systems
- Sync these over the network and apply anti-cheating subsystems
- Implement generic multiplayer statistic tracking over the client/server model
- Create the Lobby
- Add rooms
- Build server tracking system using the superserver
- Implement anti-cheating core on superserver and its authorization channels
- Ensure there are sufficient game creation options
- Test initial join and in-game join combinations
- Implement multiplayer statistic tracking over the entire superserver model and website (concept of a 'confirmed kill')
- Website integration
- Implement Clans
- Implement Medals
- Implement Ranks
- Vent support
- Further website integration
- Finalize ambient music tracks
- Final design overview
- Final polish
- Push to upload
- Design final commercial trailer

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